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All settings are automatically saved.

Your node (optional)

If you have your own full node running, enter the path to the API here. Although this is optional, note that you won’t be able to use the Xpub screen without first connecting your own node.

Once connected, the vast majority of SATSuma’s funtions will be performed by connecting directly to your node. The funtions that still require external data (e.g market prices) will continue to work, but can be disabled individually or universally on the settings screen.

Select node to connect to

Select which node/network to connect to. Choose between your own node (if set up in the previous section) or mainnet and testnet on the public API.

Other data sources

The majority of the data that SATSuma draws on can be found on-chain and is accessible either with the public API or by connecting to your own full node, as described above. SATSuma also makes use of four other public API’s to fetch data relating to metrics such as price, mining, etc. No personal data is sent or stored but you can disable any/all of these API’s if you prefer. Doing so will disable a few of the charts that relied on these API’s, as well as some of the data on the Bitcoin Dashboard and price information on the header. See further down for a full breakdown of each API and what data it retrieves.

The Directory screen retrieves its data from the resources at so therefore also involves a data request outside of your network. The directory can be enabled or disabled here. It is also automatically disabled when privacy mode is activated.

Refresh frequency

The refresh frequency dictates how often the dashboard data and header data (price, block height, etc) gets updated. The address, block, block list, transaction and Xpub screens are not affected by this setting. The refresh frequency is measured in minutes and can be set anywhere between 1 minute and 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Start-up screen

Select which screen you prefer to use as your ‘home screen’ when you launch SATSuma.

Always on top

When enabled, SATSuma will sit above other windows on your desktop.

Offline mode

Offlijne mode disables all internet access by SATSuma. All functions that can’t be fulfilled by your own node will be disabled. This includes getting various off-chain data (e.g market data), the directory screen and the ability for SATSuma to check whether a software update is available.

Where are my settings stored?

Your settings are saved in the settings.json file, which can be found in your user application data directory
(e.g. C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\SATSuma)
SATSuma continually saves your settings so you shouldn’t need to manually edit this file. If you do need to edit it, open it in a text editor (e.g Notepad).

What exactly do the other data sources (API’s) do?

The majority of SATSuma’s data comes from, whether it’s running on your own node, or you’re connecting to the public API.
What follows is a list of the other data sources SATSuma uses along with a complete list of the data they provide, enabling you to decide which (if any) you prefer to disable.
Bitcoin dashboard – number of holding addresses
Bitcoin dashboard – 24 hour number of blocks mined
Bitcoin dashboard – number of discoverable nodes
Bitcoin dashboard – blockchain size (GB)
Bitcoin dashboard – total number of transactions
Bitcoin dashboard – 24 hour number of transactions
Bitcoin dashboard – 24 hour number of bitcoin sent
charts – circulation
charts – market cap.
charts – price
charts – unique addresses
charts – UTXO’s*
price (USD, EUR, GBP, XAU)*
price (USD, EUR, GBP, XAU)
ATH / percentage change
ATH date / time elapsed
24 hour highest / lowest price (price only)**
price (USD, EUR, GBP)

* Note that the, and (price) API’s all obtain the current price. This is mainly for greater availability and accuracy of price data (e.g when one or the other is unavailable). If more than one of these API’s are selected, then an average price derived from all selected data sources is used.

** The option to select as a price source exists only because market data is not available in the self-hosted version of (as of v2.5.0) . If you connect SATSuma to your own node and still want to use as a price source, this enables that (or of course, if you just prefer not to use as a price source but want to use it for on-chain data only, this enables that too.