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Address UTXO’s

The address UTXO’s screen shows all unspent transaction outputs (UTXO’s) for the provided Bitcoin address. It will accept a user inputted address or can be passed an address from the address transactions screen. Supported address formats are P2PKH (legacy), P2SH, P2WPKH (segwit), P2WSH and P2TT (taproot). A valid address will display all UTXO’s associated with that address, showing the originating transaction ID, the value of the UTXO, its number of confimations and the block in which the transaction was added to the blockchain. Select a row and press either of the ▷ buttons to be able to view either the associated transaction or the block in which it occurred.


UTXO’s currently held – the number of UTXO’s currently controlled by the address.

Largest UTXO – the largest UTXO held by the address.

Smallest UTXO – the smallest UTXO held by the address.

Value – the combined value of all UTXO’s held by this address (balance)

Spent UTXO’s – the number of UTXO’s spent by this address.

Value – the combined value of all UTXO’s spent by this address.

Originating transaction ID (table) – the transaction that resulted in holding the UTXO.

Value (table) – Value of the UTXO.

Confs (table) – The number of confirmations of the block containing the originating transaction.

Block (table) – the block that contained the originating transaction.